I’ve been a little remiss in sending this because I’ve been so busy …. busy planning my next surfing trip.
I had such a wonderful time at the surf camp. Ezequiel was not only an excellent teacher and coach but I really had fun bantering and joking around with him. He’s a great guy and made the entire experience extremely fun and entertaining.
The first two days the surf at Dominical was HUGE, 10 to 12 feet, which was intimidating to say the least. So, for the first two day we just rode white water at Domincal. I was up and riding in no time and I spent some time in the afternoons to practice by myself.
On the 3rd day we went to Domincalito where the waves were still pretty big (for me anyway). Ezequiel was able to put me at ease and teach me different techniques if I happened to get caught inside or in the impact zone. We paddled right out and I think I was up and riding on the first wave. I was immediatedly hooked.
For the next 4 days we surfed at Domincalito, Ezequiel never far from my side, yelling coaching points … “paddle faster”, “go, go go”, “stand up”, etc, and gving the occasional push on my board when I wasn’t paddling quite hard enough. On day 5 I caught a wave that I rode for what felt like was an eternity …. at least 10 to 15 seconds … and at that point I knew I was addicted.
So now I sit here at the computer planning my next trip to Bali… having a hard time thinking about anything other than surfing. I just can’t say enough about the positive experience I had with Ezequiel and the surf camp in general. I would highly recommend this experience to anyone and looking forward to my next trip back next summer.
Matt Thurburn
May 4, 2013
May 4, 2013

Matt Thurburn